My heart breaks for kids who, in addition to absorbing the indignities of irrational mask mandates, are used as pawns to justify and normalize adult... issues.

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Feb 18, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

Of course, it has to be a message that is imprinted in their heads at a young age that will negatively affect them for the rest of their lives. It breeds insecurity and shame on both sides. Why should a 3 year old feel that? Or an 8 year old, or even a 15 year old? It’s like giving them an introduction to porn at that age in order to permanently change their brain chemistry and circuitry. Emotional abuse. Setting the stage for hostility as adults. These people pushing their sick agenda must be stopped by any means necessary.

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I've removed a few comments by someone who was openly insulting, harassing and name-calling the commenters here. I don't think I've ever removed a comment before, but these were really beyond the pale. xo

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I really really wanted to put my kids in public school. I had a wonderful public school experience growing up and I wanted that for my kids too. Then, a few years ago, I learned about what is actually taught and promoted in the district we now live in (one of the"best" public school districts in the country) and I was shocked. I convinced my husband that Catholic school was the best option and now a few years in, as the public schools have gotten even worse in pushing their agendas in every possible way, we are very happy with our decision and would 100% make the same choice again...especially since the Catholic schools were the ones actually open during 2020 and 2021. And, you're right, Abigail, the parochial schools that I know of don't force their religion down students' throats in the same all-consuming way that certain ideologies do in the public schools.

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Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

The individuals pushing this agenda do behave as members of a toxic cult. If I were a parent, I would pull my kids out of school immediately and home-school, perhaps joining together with other parents to develop a private program. Loss of income/time be damned, the sacrifice is critical to the emotional and intellectual health of our children!

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This is embarrassing but I’m confused. I thought queer was a somewhat derogatory term for gay? Having delusions about your body has nothing to do with sexual orientation. And a 3 year old with any sexual orientation is being criminally sexually abused. Same for 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and potentially 11,12,13

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Unless we take the strongest stand now, this hideous situation will get exponentially worse in the future. I know of one twenty something young woman, with they/them pronouns, a testosterone fueled five o'clock shadow and a mastectomy flattened chest, who was recently hired to teach science at a private middle school. Just imagine forking over $50k per year and having a mentally disturbed woman like that instruct your preteen and teenage children.

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If taught after being banned, these administrators and teachers need to be sued by parents and request criminal charges against them. Don’t tolerate this. Fight.

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These bastards need to be jailed for child abuse. Tarring and feathering is also an option.

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So what is the solution to this problem. I know school board members who have supported getting this out of schools but of the principals and teachers ignore the rules what is left today? Bring in the police? File complaints? What is the next best option at this time?

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If people had stood up to Hitler and his Nazi stormtroopers, and Lenin and Stalin and their insanity, at least 100 million souls would have been spared grievous murder and hundreds of millions would have been spared a life of slavery. These insane grossly perverted people have got to be run out of time, imprisoned or executed. The world must bear their sodomy any longer.

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This is as bad as I imagined and worse. I don’t know what to do about it????

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I counseled some trans-gender teens during a psychiatry residency in Germany in the late 1980s. I don't understand the phenomenon, but accept it is real. It is also incredibly rare. A maximum of perhaps 1.3%, low estimates at 0.5% of population. Geographic clusters are inexplicable.

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This curriculum sounds ludicrous and despicable. It’s okay to tell a 3 year about queer’s, but definitely not about Jesus or God. Are you kidding me????!!!!!!

Get your kids OUT of the public schools.

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My daughter was recruited by her algebra teacher. My daughter has a IEP which also says she has 1 breast because of Poland syndrome and is extremely emotional. This teacher convinced her she is transgender. She is 18 limited verbal skills. Wants to be called alex not Abbie. Help. I live in sc I know there is a lawsuit I've seen the commercials just not long enough to get the phone number.

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So is the only way through this to starve the beast? And just leave the rotting corpse of what used to be a decent education system behind?

The other thing that concerns me: when will it become too painfully obvious that too many American children of all stripes are ridiculously under-educated at all levels? How can kids get an actual education whilst wading through this sewage up to their eyeballs? It takes actual educated people to run our society, one that gets more technical and complex with each graduating class.

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